Justin started A Pane in the Glass back in 2003 after doing a 6 year stint in the military.

My Story:

“My name is Justin Monk and I’m the owner of A Pane in the Glass. I started my company from scratch 15 years ago and never looked back. Beating the pavement, approaching each customer one at a time was how I started. I’ve developed thousands of relationships with loyal customers over this time. My belief from the beginning is not only offer the best quality of work but build a trust thru honesty and good customer service.

I was raised in Cripple Creek, Colorado – I know, I know, You’ve probably heard the song “Up on Cripple Creek” Yep it’s the same Cripple Creek the song talks about. From a kid I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit. During the summer if I wasn’t mowing lawns, we would sneak up to the local turquoise mine to pick scraps (worth about $100 a pound) – During the winter I’d shovel peoples sidewalks and driveways. During school basketball games – my class president would come drag me out of the Locker Room at half time to sell the cake raffle tickets in uniform – Halftime of my own basketball game ☺  Actually selling rocks goes way back to when I was barely big enough to pull the wagon.  My grandmother owned a bunch of property rich with gold, flourite and turqoise.  As a kid I’d beg my mother to drive me up to the property and I’d load her trunk full of these pretty rocks.  I’d get them home then load my wagon up and take off for the park.  This day and age that would never fly, a 6 year old kid going to the park by himself.  I remember negotiating with the tourist to buy my rocks for $5 and $10 apiece.  Something I’m proud of to this day, a six year old kid making a $100 in a couple hours by himself.  Boy are those days gone.

With the experience at this young of an age, there was no doubt in my mind I could build a successful window cleaning business. So I set forth to build my business around great quality of work, customer service (help with wording please- I want to add the words honestly, integrity, and whatever else you see fit to this.

It seems like yesterday I started, but it’s been fifteen years. We have a very strong foundation of almost 4,000 customers built the hard way, one at a time. I value my customers and business the same as a kid who pays for their first car.